Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Repent, Believe, Repent and Believe

My buddy Brad gave a good analogy on having faith in Jesus. It goes: I can believe that a chiropractor is a legitimate doctor that is licensed, works on people, and is available; however, I don't believe that going to a chiropractic works, so, I use modern medicine and go to the hospital instead.

What I have began to witness, a lot, lately is that people believe in Jesus to the extent that He existed, died, and rose from the grave but when it comes to Him solving their problem they turn to 'modern medicine' instead.

Faith is believing that the teachings of Jesus offer healing and wholeness. Our faith rests in the promises of the Christ. Jesus dying on the the cross and raising from the grave is backwards thinking. Repentance is our admittance for the need of the cross but BELIEF is faith in the promises of the cross.

To say we have faith in Jesus but not turn to His teachings for healing illuminates our lack of faith in Him.

Here's something pretty hardcore: When we deny Christ, and sin, we confess that we do not have faith in His promises. We actually don't believe in Jesus, not salvationally, but that He offers a better solution.

Faith says, "Yes!" to Jesus' teachings. "I believe that the teachings of Jesus IS the solution to my problem."

Simply repenting and acknowledging Christ death and resurrection isn't all that hard to do. Putting FAITH in Jesus' teachings as a better way of life is.

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